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Traditional Okinawan Karate
Zenkoku Ryukyu Kempo Senior Instructors
Over the years, I have seen many students come and go. Some have stayed the course in their training and have gone on to excel in other areas of life. Some, although no longer train, have taken their dojo experience and used it to excel in their own lives, as well.
As a teacher, for me, they are all my “students” and in that respect it is difficult to individualize or categorize them. However, a few students have proven their strength and endurance in training and demonstrating their loyalty and respect; and for this I am extremely humbled and grateful.
Renshi Raul Perez III
Renshi Donna Geraldi
Renshi Jim Calvaruso
Renshi Vu Nguyen
Shihan Phil Florio
Shihan Jesse Gulutz
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